Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Funky Tour of Iruba-Jima

Later on our first afternoon two more guests arrived. A pianist in her 80's and her adult pianist daughter.

The next day Raito-San took us all on a tour of the island. He used in small pick-up truck with a pallet in the back to sit on and since there were so many of us and we had a car we followed him. Now back home people sitting in the back of a pick-up at speed is a no-no, but then no one wore seat belts or used infant car seats in the islands.

We went by pretty beaches at low tide until we got to a small parking area where there was a board walk.

It looked like a moonscape. I imagine the rock to have originally been volcanic with a mix of limestone from the coral which eventually washed away from acid rain and left this really weird black, sharp pockmarked rock.

As we approached our goal we saw the first of the seawater filled caves.  Of course there was a fence.

When  we got to the end of the board walk our guide handed out gloves to everyone who wanted to hop the fence and go down to the cave.

You can just make out the scuba divers in the cave we are heading to.

In order to make our way down we had to go into a small cave ourselves that led to the larger one.
I was apprehensive.

The person behind me

Looking back to the small entrance

Getting closer

Now we can talk to the divers.

Afterwards we visited some beaches

Then we went to what seemed like an abandoned UFO but it turned out to be in the shape of a seagull. It looked abandoned as much does on the island. Lots of wind and salt contribute to rust and stains. However the bathroom had running water so it couldn't be to bad.

These are the views from the "seagull". You can see the bridge they are building which will obsolete the ferries in just two years.

It was an exciting day but there was more in store for tomorrow.

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